How To Treat Constipation With Aloe Vera Juice
Treating Constipation With Aloe Vera
Constipation doesn’t come up over casual conversation very often! It’s one of those topics people avoid, but also one that a lot of people suffer from time to time. A headache, cold, or stomach pains seem to be deemed ‘socially acceptable to discuss with people who aren’t your doctor, but constipation talks may be met with nothing but a frown from your peers. Learn how to treat constipation with Aloe Vera.
Quite frankly, you should be able to turn to somebody and that’s where Aloe Vera for constipation could help you.
Nature’s healer can aid us in so many ways and your digestive health is one of the main ones- do you suffer from irregular bowel movements, tight stomach, and pains?
Then read on and find out how Aloe can help.
Tips On How To Treat Constipation And Regular Bowel Movements
What is constipation and what causes it?
Constipation basically means you are having trouble passing regular stools or you can’t remove all the waste from your bowels.
The small intestines extract nutrients from the food that you eat then the waste is passed into your large intestine. Here water is re-absorbed from the food and stools are basically waste that is left over.
Too much or too little water can make excrement harder than it should be, so it is harder to squeeze out.
Making you constipated. Constipated people can experience quite a lot of pain; passing stools that are hard and of unusual size.
The good news is that severe constipation can be avoided in most cases so by paying attention to the following you can probably avoid it.
Top causes of constipation:
- Dramatic changes in lifestyle – ie foods eaten and activity levels. Your body is not always ready for the radical changes we make sometimes, leading to shock symptoms.
- Being dehydrated. Water helps stools become softer and easier to pass through.
- Holding it in! We can’t always get straight to the restroom when we need to but holding in your stools for excessive periods can have a negative effect on your digestive tract. Specifically, your rectum and colon.
- Taking antacid medications for GERD etc can also cause problems- especially if they include aluminum or calcium.
- Lack of soluble fiber. Foods like green vegetables are good sources of fiber, these food sources soften stools and make them easier to pass through- causing less strain on the muscles of your digestive tract.
- Eating a lot of dairy food- milk, cheese, yogurt, etc.
- High caffeine intake.
- Other causes can include diabetes, obesity, colon disease, or other digestive diseases. If you suspect any of these are the cause, we recommend you consult a doctor or physician immediately.
Aloe Vera gel can be very good for digestive health but we have covered that in other articles and will do so more in future articles.
Aloe latex that is found in the leaf contains most of the desired laxative properties or ‘active ingredients for better words.
People combine Aloe gel and latex to use to relieve constipation remedies.
Top Ways Aloe Vera Is Useful For Treating Constipation?
- Chloride: A powerful electrolyte that provides many important functions in the body. Chloride is a main player in the bloodstream and balances the fluids in your system- making sure function properly. Chloride is responsible for normal blood pressure and balancing pH levels too. When any of these aspects are, damaged or interfered with it can cause dehydration and constipation. Chloride plays a vital role in the intestines and is absorbed in the foods that you eat- Aloe gel being a good source.
- Magnesium: A deficiency in magnesium can cause a whole world of problems for your internal health. IT plays a key role in over 300 biochemical functions so it would take us hundreds of articles to explain exactly why you should be making sure you get enough in your diet. Magnesium helps your muscles relax and perform proper contractions and plays a key link in supporting neurotransmitters. Remember you need strong muscles to pass stool samples and weakened digestive muscles are a classic symptom of constipation!
Magnesium is a transporter of nutrients, working with digestive enzymes to help your body break down and metabolize macronutrients.
When energy is easily broken down and metabolized from your food- less strain is put on your digestive system.
Is Aloe Latex Safe To Use For Constipation?
There are some arguments that could be fought for and against the safety of using Aloe latex to treat constipation but one must look at every detail before making a choice on whether it is right for you.
Aloe latex contains Anthraquinones which have laxative properties- the main ones found in aloe leaf are Aloin, Aloe emodin, and barbaloin.
Aloin can combat constipation due to its power to increase contractions and improve bowel movement.
You can also expect softer stools because aloin stops your large intestine from reabsorbing too much water from your stools- which will make life a lot easier for your constipation problems.
Anthraquinones in aloe latex are not approved by the FDA but this is not always a clear sign of whether or not something is safe to consume.
Many junk foods have passed FDA approval but we certainly would not class them as particularly healthy foods. (So Use At Your Own Risk!!) and make an informed decision yourself!!!
Aloe latex can possibly be used safely in small amounts to be used effectively. If you used it regularly it can cause problems.
Prolonged intake of anthraquinones causes cell walls in your intestine to lose potassium.
Losing potassium in the digestive tract weakens your intestine walls making it more difficult to pass stools.
One must remember that although aloe latex cannot be sold as a labeled laxative there are still many Aloe Vera products that contain latex. You can safely relieve constipation with Aloe Vera latex and gels.
The safest way is to use Aloe Vera gels in digestible forms that will aid the other protocols of your digestive organs. Then you can expect less strain on your colon and rectum.
If you are unsure on what aloe latex products to buy then you can always make your own at home
6 Steps To Treat Constipation With Aloe Vera Recipe
- Take your fresh Aloe Vera leaf and carefully dissect the leaf. Remove the yellow sap from the skin and fleshy meat from the inner leaf.
- Wash hand rinse the parts of the plant you are going to use. Use as little as a few drops of aloe latex sap.
- Wash and prepare 1 cup of fresh fennel.
- Put all ingredients into a blender.
- Add a squeeze of lemon juice and sweetener if necessary.
- Blend all of the ingredients and add ice to drink and enjoy.
NB!!! You should not drink this recipe every day and only try it when you have been constipated for more than 3 hours. Consult your doctor before taking!!
You could always think of trying a colon cleanse once your bowel movements have returned to normal to restore proper function.
Who should avoid taking aloe latex?
- Pregnant or nursing women should avoid taking Aloe Vera latex or other laxative remedies.
- If you have allergies to Aloe Vera, garlic, tulips, or onions then we insist that you don’t take it.
- People with cardiovascular problems or diseases should avoid aloe latex.
- Avoid if you suffer from any chronic digestion problems or disease.
6 Healthy Lifestyle Changes To Avoid Constipation
- Address your nutritional habits: We have said it once and will keep on saying it- you are what you eat and should not expect to eat junk food and feel great. Avoid consuming too many refined foods such as bread, sweets, crisps, or half of the pre-packaged processed foods you love. Too much red meat and dairy can also be hard to break down- so cut back on these items too.
- Fluid Intake: Alcohol and caffeine both dehydrate you and these can cause stool samples to be very hard and painful to pass. Both are OK when you don’t drink them excessively.
- Exercise More! You don’t have to aim at becoming an Olympic athlete but regular cardio and resistance training stimulate every part of your body- making you healthier. The body works in synergy and when functioning in the ways in which nature intended- fantastic things happen for your overall health.
- Be Careful With Medications: Natural remedies can work the best most of the time and most don’t come with the constraints of man-made medicines. Some laxative remedies can make constipation worse if taken in excess. Some constipation medications can clash with other meds! So always consult your Doctor.
- Say Hi To Fiber: Get more fiber in your diet and at regular intervals to support your digestive system.
- Take Your Time: You should never rush your time at the toilet. Take it easy, relax and let nature run its course to fully pass out any waste excrement.
Aloe Vera is safe to use to aid your constipation problems, just be observant when reading labels and be vigilant with what is going in your body.
Contrary to popular belief – Aloe latex doesn’t have to be avoided at all costs and can be used safely as long as you follow all precautions.
Know the difference between the nutritional values of Aloe Gel and Aloe latex and you should be just fine.
If you have severe constipation or are unsure then visiting a doctor is always the best option.
As we are all different and are in different states of health and maybe on different medications, always visit your own GP and ask if Aloe Vera is safe for you to treat your constipation.
Thank you very much, your article was informative and I learned many ways to make soap. If you have other alovera products to make, please let me know. I am starting to grow some aloe in my garden.
Thanks so much for sharing your story Perpetua! Check out some of our other how to videos.