How To Treat Insect And Mosquito Bites With Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera For Insect And Mosquito Bites
Our first instinct is to run to our nearest pharmacy or store to obtain a remedy for a Mosquito or Insect bite. Instead of using over-the-counter spray or repellents. Have you ever considered using Aloe Vera for insect bites? Learn how to treat insect and mosquito bites with Aloe Vera.
Insect species can vary largely in terms of what they eat and their reasons also can vary for why they would bite or sting you. Whether that be for defense, attack, or nourishment. Insect bites usually happen because our paths cross theirs so often, so these little mishaps are bound to happen.
How to treat insect bites with Aloe Vera
We really hope that you have not suffered from an insect bite recently and that this article can help you be fully prepared for if that ever may happen in the future, but if you have – Grab Your Aloe Vera!!!
- Use your Aloe Vera of choice- preferably Fresh Aloe leaves. Simply cut open carefully to expose fleshy meat.
- Extract the aloe gel and discard unwanted waste.
- Quickly but carefully clean the Aloe gel.
- Make sure you have washed and disinfected the wound area.
- Apply Aloe gel with fingertips generously over the wound.
Sometimes insects are so small that you can be bitten and not even realize what has actually bitten you- here are a few symptoms to look out for.
- The first thing you may witness from some bites is a sharp sting or pain. (that is if you are awake! Many bites happen when we are asleep)
- Swelling can occur around the area, this can often be accompanied by redness and irritated or sensitive skin.
- The area may become itchy when a lump forms or when it becomes inflamed- this is usually an immune system response.
Insect Bites! Did You Know?
There are over 950,000 species of insects that we already know of and another 10,000 species of animal are discovered each year.
Thankfully not every type of insect is going to bite you and many only live in specific climates or habitats.
Some of the more common types of insect bites are mosquitoes, bed bugs, bees/ wasps, spiders, fleas, and ants.
Aloe Vera will not repel these insects, they may even do the opposite in RARE cases but for treating bites the healing magic of Aloe Vera could be right up your street.
We duly stress to a you-the large majority of insect bites are harmless and will not cause you any serious damage. This means you can rest assured and don’t need to panic if this happens to you.
Fun facts about insects
- They are the most successful survivors on the planet! Making up over 2/3rds of the entire spectrum of species. They can adapt to their environment like nothing else and have evolved in so many fantastic ways.
- Ants are estimated to outnumber humans by 1.4 million to one! That would make their total number close to 14 quadrillions.
- They live on every continent, so chances are you can never truly escape insects wherever you may be on land. The greatest part of this fact is that they generally live harmoniously with the human population.
What causes pain and irritation from insect bites?
This depends on the type of bite and which insect it comes from. Bees and wasps inject venom from their stinger.
Spiders often carry venom in their bite but not all species have strong enough teeth to penetrate human skin.
Another interesting fact is that the most notorious insect “bite” from a mosquito is not actually a bite at all!
Female Mosquitoes use a piercing object called the proboscis to pierce your skin and use it to inject saliva into the wound- this stops the blood from clotting and lets the mosquito feed on your blood. Sounds delightful, doesn’t it!?
Ticks, fleas, and bed bugs all bite to feed on human blood but can easily be dealt with and are very rarely harmful in serious ways.
Your body has a natural defense against these things
Contrary to popular belief- Not all of the pain and irritation comes from the actual insect bite. Swelling, irritation, and redness come from your immune system responses.
These actions happen to fight off any risks or spreading of infections, they are also the start of the healing process.
Every time this happens your immune system is taxed, so by using Aloe Vera to help treat wounds, bites, and irritations you can relieve the workload that your body has to endure.
Meaning a faster healing process with a lot less stress!
What is in Aloe Vera that can treat insect bites?
Insect bites can cause a whole range of problems for us and symptoms are going to vary between each individual and what breed of insect has bitten/ stung you will also play a role in the outcome.
Bug bites and stings can become irritated because insects can be dirty little critters, carrying a whole barrage of bacteria that can run risk of infections.
Open wounds and bites are more susceptible to catching infections if bacteria spreads and these can damage your immune system, making you ill among other things.
It is in your best interest to keep any bites and wounds as clean as possible to prevent the risk of bacteria-causing infections.
Clean wounds always heal quicker too with less inflammation caused.
Cleansing properties of Aloe Vera for topical use on Insect Bites
Anthraquinones are compounds found in True Aloe and offer a lot of antibacterial properties, so topical use of Aloe to clean surface areas of your skin after an insect bite and during the healing process can be very beneficial.
The main cleaning agent in aloe anthraquinones is known as Aloin but other antibacterial components included are anthracene, emodin, and chromones. Although these are considered harsh to ingest they are very safe to use as a topical treatment as an antibacterial.
Anthraquinones are found in the sap of Aloe Vera leaves and not in the fleshy meat.
What type of bite or sting can Aloe not treat?
Aloe Vera should not be used as an anti-allergen or be accepted by any individual for use as a replacement for medications.
Aloe Vera is advised to be used to treat mild insect bites that can easily be identified as non-harmful or not serious.
Consult a doctor if you feel any of the following:
- If you feel intense, sharp, or stinging pain for prolonged periods then you should visit the emergency room immediately.
- Feelings of extreme sickness, hallucinations, or extreme temperature changes.
- High fever or vomiting. The rapid increase of heart rate or shortness of breath.
- If you have seen what you know and can identify as a dangerous insect or spider bite.
- If the bite or wound will not stop bleeding.
Different ways to use Aloe Vera to treat insect bites
Our favorite way to use Aloe Vera to treat an insect bite is to use the freshest leaves available to us.
If you have used our tips to grow your own mature aloe plants or have managed to source Aloe from a reputable source- then we strongly advise this route.
Just cut open a fresh Aloe leaf and safely remove the gel and latex from the inner leaf.
Simply apply the Aloe Gel generously over the area, you can even chill your Aloe in the fridge or freezer for a short duration to add extra comfort to your treatment regimen.
Other quality Aloe Vera products include sprays, oils, and ointments that can be bought online from plenty of good sources or simply made at home.
But these will need preparation and will need to be made in advance so may not be readily available for instant relief.
Things to avoid when treating an insect bite or sting
- As tempting as it may be, do not itch or scratch the wound as this may provide temporary relief but will only cause more damage and irritation.
- Don’t use every remedy that you can get your hands on. Less is often more when treating wounds naturally. Some products you use will not have been tested to see if they are safe to use with other things. This may cause unwanted reactions on your skin.
- Avoid panicking!
- Avoid drinking alcohol as this can also make symptoms worse.
Other Methods That Can Help Treat Insect or Mosquito Bites
- You can take antihistamines that will help prevent swelling and avoid allergic reactions.
- Elevating the area can also help reduce swelling.
- Take ibuprofen is necessary- this is a very safe anti-inflammatory.
- Alternate between hot and cold. You can use ice packs and deep heat to treat the area- this is a solid way to alleviate pain and irritation.
- Use a pair of tweezers to remove any wasp or bee stings, or parts of a tick’s pincers that may still be in the skin.
- Above all seek medical attention if you are unsure!!!!
If pain is severe and continuous, or you are worried or in serious pain then you should contact the emergency room or your local hospital for treatment.
Aloe Vera is a wonderful natural healer given to us by mother nature but this even has its limits.
The majority of Insect and Mosquito bites are not harmful but can be very serious it is always better to be safe and get an expert opinion than simply try to be brave and weather the storm.
Check back with us soon for more awesome guides on how Aloe Vera can make your life that little bit extra special.