Aloe Vera for Eczema
How to Use Aloe Vera to Help Eczema
You may be wondering how Aloe Vera can help eczema. Most people who suffer from eczema have tried many methods and products for relief, many of which are met without success. However, with proper knowledge and treatment, this condition can be controlled. This article will help explain how Aloe Vera can help eczema and the method of application and why it may work for you when other products have not.
Although eczema manifests externally, the patient cannot forget that the cure also needs to apply to the inside to boost the immune system and underlying symptoms. Aloe Vera is a great boon, as it works both inside and out.
What is Eczema, Anyway?
Eczema, also known as dermatitis, is a condition in which the skin becomes very dry. It often initially appears as a rash on the face, arms, and legs, but it can show up in any area. If you suspect you may have it, keep a record of your symptoms to present to your consulting doctor, as its symptoms can also be similar to other skin issues.
Some form of eczema compromises the majority of skin disease conditions. It does not manifest in the same way on everyone that suffers from it and comes in many forms. Sadly, eczema is most often seen in children and may go on to recur for them later in life, but this is not always the case.
Eczema is a problem primarily relating to an abnormally functioning immune system, so treatment should focus on strengthening that as much as possible. This approach that is therefore most sensible is holistic as it relates to the external and internal root causes of eczema.
Symptoms of Eczema
The severity of eczema symptoms ranges from mild itchiness where the skin becomes dry and flaky and could progress to irritated, red, infected sores. When eczema is present, the skin often fails to retain water and produce sufficient amounts of fats and oils required for healthy skin. This compromises the protective barrier as spaces between the skin cells open up and moisture is lost, allowing bacteria or allergens to penetrate through the skin. Eczema has also been linked to an overreactive response by the immune system to irritants.
Eczema is often cyclical. It can be very frustrating for the person suffering from it because the periods of relief do not necessarily indicate healing. Some relief can be sought through identifying and subsequently avoiding triggers. Triggers include emotional stress, itchy fabrics like wool, and excessive sweating. One who is in the midst of a flare-up should try their best not to scratch, as this makes the condition worse and can lead to infection.
How Eczema Can Affect the Body
Just because you have some dry skin does not mean it’s eczema. If your skin is inflamed, very itchy, and turns into a rash, you may want to see a doctor to confirm a diagnosis. When properly managed, eczema does not have to be a life-long problem.
People with eczema often can’t use the same personal care products as everyone else. Soaps and cleaning liquids may remove the already lacking oil on the skin’s surface, further irritating the condition and treating symptoms. In this state, symptoms may include cracking and inflammation of the skin. Flare-ups have also been linked to temperature changes and stress. Thankfully, eczema is not contagious.
How Aloe Vera Can Help Eczema
Aloe Vera is an exceptional plant that is high in vitamins including B12, minerals including calcium and magnesium, and amino and fatty acids. It has over 200 active components, making its medicinal properties many.
While Aloe Vera can address many body systems including the digestive and cardiovascular, its most appropriate applications relate to the skin. It has been known for centuries as the best natural healer of burns and as an analgesic for painful wounds.
Aloe is about 99% water so it’s a great way to rehydrate, compensating for the loss of moisture caused by eczema. It also increases the elasticity of the skin making it more flexible. This prevents the leathery symptoms that happen as the skin loses the oils that keep it smooth. It helps repair collagen and elastin.
Aloe acts as an emollient that makes the skin soft and smooth. It infuses oxygen into skin cells and improves blood flow to the skin, increasing its strength.
Aloe is also an antipruritic, which is a substance that alleviates itching. In addition to that, Aloe is also an astringent. Astringents cause the body tissues to contract. This is particularly useful to reduce bleeding when eczema in is an intense stage that manifests in open sores caused by itching.
One of the most useful properties of Aloe Vera that are specific to eczema is the fact that it contains adaptogens. Adaptogens help the body adapt to emotional, physical, and environmental stress and boost immunity, balancing the entire body system.
How To Use Aloe Vera for Eczema
Getting the medicine directly from the source is best when it comes to the natural way of healing. This will have a more potent effect than any store-bought product. Aloe Vera plants are very easy to cultivate and care for and can be kept almost anywhere as an indoor and outdoor plant.
Make sure you don’t overharvest and kill the plant. Be sure to remove the hard outside spiny skin layer and yellow latex layer in order to access the gel inside, which is the medicinal part itself. It can be kept up for one week and refrigerated.
If this is not practical for you, Aloe Gel, juice, soap, shampoo, and capsules are easy to come by. Just make sure they use pure Aloe and don’t have a lot of unnecessary ingredients.
Aloe Vera can be both applied topically and ingested, it is wise to use the plant’s gel in both ways. It is advisable to consult a naturopathic doctor before taking Aloe Vera or any health supplements for that matter. A Doctor can help develop the right healing program for you which may include an allergen-free diet with plenty of omega-3 food sources.
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